The CSSCGC edition 2011 has finished! A bunch of 4 judges have measured each entry in three categories: overall crapness, funnyness, and strangeness, all of them out of 10. Then we have averaged the results, and chosen 4 games. The overall crapness score was used to choose the winner (the one with the highest mark) and the loser (the one with the lowest). Then, two special mentions, funniest game and most strange game have been given to the entries with the highest marks in such categories.
Main Results
The WINNER, with an overall crapness score of 8.5 out of 10 is Richard May’s Random Walk.
The LOSER, with an overall crapness score of 1 out of 10 is Arda’s Drawlander.
Special mentions
The FUNNIEST game is JBGV’s Uchidanza with a whoppin’ 9.25!
The MOST STRANGE game is Apenao’s Game of (musical) thrones with 8 points.
You can download here the complete excel with all the scores and calculations if you please by clicking here. The complete package containing all the games can be found here.
A random present is being currently worked out for the winner.
Thanks everybody who has participated and/or supported us this year. Long life the CSSCGC!