Problems / Questions with the MK2 Engine

Ayuda sobre MT Engine MK2.

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Registrado: Vie, 16 Dic 2016, 04:00

Problems / Questions with the MK2 Engine

Mensajepor andydansby » Lun, 06 Mar 2017, 02:24


I am having some issues with the MK2 engine. There is a bit of complexity to these questions since I had to make a small mod to the engine to take care of a compiling problem and that there seems to be a bit of a conflict with the buildlevel and the WARP_TO_LEVEL command in the script. I am also having a problem with compiling if I do not activate USE_TWO_BUTTONS.

I am using the MK2 Engine MK2-0.89 posted on the forums.

I am creating a 128K moggy style game, using compressed levels, building levels in the Goku Mal style. My imagined game will be an open world and have 20 screens to each level and have at least 25 levels. I would also like to arbitrarily move between levels.

Here is my buildlevel.bat

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
@echo off
echo ================
echo LEVEL 0
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work0.png ..\gfx\sprites0.png ..\enems\enems0.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs0.txt level0.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work0.png ..\gfx\sprites0.png ..\enems\enems0.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs0.txt level0.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level0.bin ..\bin\level0c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level0.bin ..\bin\level0c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 1
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work1.png ..\gfx\sprites1.png ..\enems\enems1.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs1.txt level1.bin
REM ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work1.png ..\gfx\sprites1.png ..\enems\enems1.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs1.txt level1.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work1.png ..\gfx\sprites1.png ..\enems\enems1.ene 16 2 5 99 2 behs1.txt level1.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level1.bin ..\bin\level1c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level1.bin ..\bin\level1c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 2
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work2.png ..\gfx\sprites2.png ..\enems\enems2.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs2.txt level2.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work2.png ..\gfx\sprites2.png ..\enems\enems2.ene 14 3 3 99 2 behs2.txt level2.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level2.bin ..\bin\level2c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level2.bin ..\bin\level2c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 3
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work3.png ..\gfx\sprites3.png ..\enems\enems3.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs3.txt level3.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work3.png ..\gfx\sprites3.png ..\enems\enems3.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs3.txt level3.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level3.bin ..\bin\level3c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level3.bin ..\bin\level3c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 4
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work4.png ..\gfx\sprites4.png ..\enems\enems4.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs4.txt level4.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work4.png ..\gfx\sprites4.png ..\enems\enems4.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs4.txt level4.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level4.bin ..\bin\level4c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level4.bin ..\bin\level4c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 5
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work5.png ..\gfx\sprites5.png ..\enems\enems5.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs5.txt level5.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work5.png ..\gfx\sprites5.png ..\enems\enems5.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs5.txt level5.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level5.bin ..\bin\level5c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level5.bin ..\bin\level5c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 6
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work6.png ..\gfx\sprites6.png ..\enems\enems6.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs6.txt level6.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work6.png ..\gfx\sprites6.png ..\enems\enems6.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs6.txt level6.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level6.bin ..\bin\level6c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level6.bin ..\bin\level6c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 7
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work7.png ..\gfx\sprites7.png ..\enems\enems7.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs7.txt level7.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work7.png ..\gfx\sprites7.png ..\enems\enems7.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs7.txt level7.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level7.bin ..\bin\level7c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level7.bin ..\bin\level7c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 8
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work8.png ..\gfx\sprites8.png ..\enems\enems8.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs8.txt level8.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work8.png ..\gfx\sprites8.png ..\enems\enems8.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs8.txt level8.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level8.bin ..\bin\level8c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level8.bin ..\bin\level8c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 9
echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work9.png ..\gfx\sprites9.png ..\enems\enems9.ene 0 3 8 99 2 behs9.txt level9.bin
..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work9.png ..\gfx\sprites9.png ..\enems\enems9.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs9.txt level9.bin

echo ..\utils\apack.exe level9.bin ..\bin\level9c.bin
..\utils\apack.exe level9.bin ..\bin\level9c.bin
REM pause

echo ================
echo LEVEL 10
REM echo ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work10.png ..\gfx\sprites10.png ..\enems\enems10.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs10.txt level10.bin
REM ..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work10.png ..\gfx\sprites10.png ..\enems\enems10.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs10.txt level10.bin

REM echo ..\utils\apack.exe level10.bin ..\bin\level10c.bin
REM ..\utils\apack.exe level10.bin ..\bin\level10c.bin

echo DONE!

The first question I have is about the buildlevel.exe application

..\utils\buildlevel.exe ..\map\ 4 5 99 ..\gfx\font.png ..\gfx\work0.png ..\gfx\sprites0.png ..\enems\enems0.ene 14 3 8 99 2 behs0.txt level0.bin

The setting where I define scr_ini, scr_x and scr_y seems to override any WARP_TO_LEVEL found in my script. Meaning that if I set WARP_TO_LEVEL 1, 19, 2, 2, 1 in my script I will actually go to 14,3,8 which is in my buildlevel.exe. Is there a way around this or what other solution should I try.

I am also having an issue with the breakable walls. They do not stop the character. The sprite can walk right through the wall. Yes, the wall will break if I hit it with a bullet, but it does not stop the sprite, so it's more like a secret wall and not an obstacle.

Next, I am having an issue with the SET_FIRE_ZONE_TILES or with SET_FIRE_ZONE. What I would like to happen is if my character goes over a particular tile the action will activate. What I am finding is that I must press the fire button for the action to happen.

This, of course, leads up to the small modification to the engine.

I make this only to correct a compiling error that I was coming across.

If I commented out #define USE_TWO_BUTTONS, I get

sccz80:"engine.h" L:320 Error:#42:Unknown symbol: key_fire
sccz80:"engine.h" L:320 Error:#33:Must be lvalue

So, I made a new define

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '#define USE_ONE_BUTTON //ATTENTION Added')

Here is the rest of the config.h

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
// MT Engine MK2
// Copyleft 2014 the Mojon Twins

// config.h
// game engine configuration & behaviour

// ============================================================================
// I. General configuration
// ============================================================================

// 128K support
#define MODE_128K // 128K mode.

// Music engine
//#define USE_ARKOS // Just comment this to use the default WYZ player.
//#define ARKOS_SFX_CHANNEL 1 // SFX Channel (0-2)

// Multi-level support (experimental!)
#define COMPRESSED_LEVELS // use levels.h/levels128.h instead of mapa.h and enems.h (!)
//#define EXTENDED_LEVELS // Experimental!
//#define LEVEL_SEQUENCE // Experimental!
#define SCRIPTED_GAME_ENDING // Game ending is triggered from the script
//#define SIMPLE_LEVEL_MANAGER // Custom level manager "simple" <- UNFINISHED. DON'T USE!

// In this section we define map dimmensions, initial and authomatic ending conditions, etc.
#define MAP_W 4 //
#define MAP_H 5 // Map dimmensions in screens
//#define ENABLE_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS // Custom connections array. MAP_W/MAP_H just define how many screens
#define SCR_INICIO 14 // Initial screen
#define PLAYER_INI_X 3 //
#define PLAYER_INI_Y 8 // Initial tile coordinates
#define SCR_FIN 99 // Last screen. 99 = deactivated.
#define PLAYER_FIN_X 99 //
#define PLAYER_FIN_Y 99 // Player tile coordinates to finish game
#define PLAYER_NUM_OBJETOS 99 // Objects to get to finish game
#define PLAYER_LIFE 6 //5 // Max and starting life gauge.
//#define DONT_LIMIT_LIFE // If defined, no upper limit to life gauge.
#define PLAYER_REFILL 1 // Life recharge
#define MAX_LEVELS 10 // # of compressed levels
//#define REFILL_ME // If defined, refill player on each level
#define WIN_CONDITION 2 // 0 = objects collected, 1 = screen 'N', 2 = scripting, 3 = SIM

// ============================================================================
// II. Engine type
// ============================================================================

// This section is used to define the game engine behaviour. Many directives are related,
// and others are mutually exclusive. I think this will be pretty obvious when you look at them.

// Phantomas Engine
// ----------------
// Coment everything here for normal engine
#define PHANTOMAS_ENGINE 4 // Which phantomas engine:
// 1 = Phantomas 1
// 2 = Phantomas 2
// 3 = LOKOsoft Phantomas
// 4 = Abu Simbel Profanation (*)

#define PHANTOMAS_FALLING 4 // Falling speed (pixels/frame)
#define PHANTOMAS_WALK 2 // Walking speed

#define PHANTOMAS_INCR_1 2 // Used for jumping
#define PHANTOMAS_INCR_2 4
#define PHANTOMAS_JUMP_CTR 16 // Total jumping steps up&down

#define RESET_TO_WHEN_STOPPED 1 // If defined, reset to frame # when player stopped
#define ADVANCE_FRAME_COUNTER 4 // advance 1 anim. frame every # game frames, use 1 for Phantomas.

// In abu simbel profanation mode, player jumps using PHANTOMAS_INCR_1 increments:
// Long jump: PHANTOMAS_JUMP_CTR steps up, PHANTOMAS_JUMP_CTR steps down.
// Short jump: PHANTOMAS_JUMP_CTR/2 steps up, PHANTOMAS_JUMP_CTR/2 steps down.

// Most things from now on won't apply if PHANTOMAS_ENGINE is on...
// Try... And if you need something, just ask us... Maybe it's possible to add.

// For example, BOUNDING_BOX_8_BOTTOM works for PHANTOMAS/PROFANANTION engines.

// Bounding box size
// -----------------
// Comment both for normal 16x16 bounding box
//#define BOUNDING_BOX_8_BOTTOM // 8x8 aligned to bottom center in 16x16
#define BOUNDING_BOX_8_CENTERED // 8x8 aligned to center in 16x16
#define SMALL_COLLISION // 8x8 centered collision instead of 12x12

// General directives:
// -------------------
//#define PLAYER_CHECK_MAP_BOUNDARIES // If defined, you can't exit the map.
//#define PLAYER_CANNOT_FLICK_SCREEN // If defined, automatic screen flicking is disabled.
//#define PLAYER_WRAP_AROUND // If defined, wrap-around. Needs PLAYER_CANNOT_FLICK_SCREEN
//#define DIRECT_TO_PLAY // If defined, title screen is also the game frame.
#define DEACTIVATE_KEYS // If defined, keys are not present.
#define DEACTIVATE_OBJECTS // If defined, objects are not present.
//#define ONLY_ONE_OBJECT // If defined, only one object can be carried at a time.
//#define OBJECT_COUNT 1 // Defines which FLAG will be used to store the object count.
//#define DEACTIVATE_EVIL_TILE // If defined, no killing tiles (behaviour 1) are detected.
//#define FULL_BOUNCE // If defined, evil tile bounces equal MAX_VX, otherwise v/2
//#define PLAYER_BOUNCES // If defined, collisions make player bounce
//#define SLOW_DRAIN // Works with bounces. Drain is 4 times slower
#define PLAYER_FLICKERS // If defined, collisions make player flicker instead.
//#define MAP_BOTTOM_KILLS // If defined, exiting the map bottomwise kills.
#define WALLS_STOP_ENEMIES // If defined, enemies react to the scenary (new: if bit 5 on!)
//#define EVERYTHING_IS_A_WALL // If defined, any tile <> type 0 is a wall, otherwise just 8.
//#define COUNT_SCR_ENEMS_ON_FLAG 1 // If defined, count # of enems on screen and store in flag #
//#define SHOW_LEVEL_ON_SCREEN // If defined, show level # whenever we enter a new screen

// Enemy engine
// ------------
//#define USE_OLD_ENEMS // If defined, use old enems (like in Churrera)

// General directives
#define ENABLE_PATROLLERS // Yeah, you can now deactivate good ol' patrollers...

#define ENABLE_FLYING_ENEMIES // If defined, add code for flying enemies.
//#define TYPE_6_FIXED_SPRITE 2 // Sprite used - 1.
#define SIGHT_DISTANCE 96 // Used in our type 6 enemies.
//#define TYPE_6_KILL_ON_TOUCH // If defined, enemy also dies when collision happens
#define FANTY_MAX_V 256 // Flying enemies max speed (also for custom type 6 if you want)
#define FANTY_A 16 // Flying enemies acceleration.
#define FANTIES_LIFE_GAUGE 1 // Amount of shots needed to kill flying enemies.

//#define ENABLE_PURSUE_ENEMIES // If defined, type 7 enemies are active
//#define DEATH_COUNT_EXPRESSION 20+(rand()&15)
//#define TYPE_7_FIXED_SPRITE 4 // If defined, type 7 enemies are always #

//#define MAX_COCOS 1 // Max # of cocos.

//#define ENABLE_SHOOTERS // Activate this if your raise bit 4 in any enemies.
#define TYPE_8_SHOOT_FREQ 63 // Shoot frequency (2^n-1)
#define TYPE_8_SAFE_DISTANCE 64 // if closer won't shoot
#define TYPE_8_FIRE_ONE // If defined, just fire one coco per enemy
#define COCO_SPEED_8 4 // pixels per frame

// Type 9 enemies are clouds which hover around and shoot cocos.
// v1. they just pursue using mx as speed and they just shoot 1 coco per enemy.
// DO NOT USE!!!!!!!
#define ENABLE_CLOUDS // If defined, type 9 enemies are active
#define TYPE_9_SHOOT_FREQ 31 // Shoot frequency (2^n-1)
#define TYPE_9_FIXED_SPRITE 0 // Type 8 enemies are always # - 1
#define TYPE_9_SAFE_DISTANCE 48 // if closer won't shoot
#define TYPE_9_FIRE_ONE // If defined, just fire one coco per enemy
#define COCO_SPEED_9 8 // pixels per frame

//#define ENABLE_DROPS // Enemy type 9 = drops
//#define ENABLE_ARROWS // Enemy type 10 = arrows

// if this is disabled, you cannot compile
//#define USE_TWO_BUTTONS // Alternate keyboard scheme for two-buttons games

//#define USE_HOTSPOTS_TYPE_3 // Alternate logic for recharges.
//#define TILE_GET 22 // If defined, player can "get" tile #
//#define TILE_GET_FLAG 1 // And this increments flag #
//#define TILE_GET_SCRIPT // Run PLAYER_GETS_COIN when player gets tile TILE_GET
//#define DIE_AND_RESPAWN // If defined, dying = respawn on latest safe.
//#define DISABLE_AUTO_SAFE_SPOT // If defined, you have to define the save spot via scripting
//#define REENTER_ON_DEATH // Reenter screen when killed, for 1-screen arcades.
#define PLAYER_STEP_SOUND // Sound while walking. No effect in the BOOTEE engine.
#define DISABLE_PLATFORMS // If defined, type 4 are enemies in side-view mode

// Body count
// ----------
// In Churrera, every kill was counted on the p_killed variable, which offers
// little control but can be enough for simple games. If you want to have more control
// over # of enemies killed (for example, to reset it!) just define this. p_killed will
// no longer work, instead flag # will be used.
//#define BODY_COUNT_ON 2 // Increment flag # everytime the player kills an enemy
//#define RUN_SCRIPT_ON_KILL // If defined, PLAYER_KILLS_ENEMY scripts are triggered on kills
//#define ENEMY_BACKUP // If you want a backup in case you change the enemy types
// ingame, define this. Useful for 48K or non-compressed level
// games (in compressed level games you can save this and just
// decompress the enemies again!)
//#define RESTORE_ON_INIT // Restore enemies when entering game.

// Pushable tile
// -------------
#define PLAYER_PUSH_BOXES // If defined, tile #14 is pushable. Must be type 10.
//#define FIRE_TO_PUSH // If defined, you have to press FIRE+direction to push.
#define ENABLE_PUSHED_SCRIPTING // If defined, nice goodies (below) are activated:
#define MOVED_TILE_FLAG 1 // Current tile "overwritten" with block is stored here.
#define MOVED_X_FLAG 2 // X after pushing is stored here.
#define MOVED_Y_FLAG 3 // Y after pushing is stored here.
#define PUSHING_ACTION // If defined, pushing a tile runs PRESS_FIRE script

// Shooting / killing behaviour
// ----------------------------
#define PLAYER_CAN_FIRE // If defined, shooting engine is enabled.
#define CAN_FIRE_UP // If defined, player can fire upwards and diagonal.
#define PLAYER_CAN_FIRE_FLAG 2 // If defined, player can only fire when flag # is 1
//#define PLAYER_CAN_FIRE_INV 45 // If defined, player con only fire if item # is selected!
#define PLAYER_BULLET_SPEED 4 // Pixels/frame.
#define MAX_BULLETS 1 // Max number of bullets on screen. Be careful!.
#define PLAYER_BULLET_Y_OFFSET 6 // vertical offset from the player's top.
#define PLAYER_BULLET_X_OFFSET 0 // vertical offset from the player's left/right.
#define PLAYER_BULLETS_STRENGTH 1 // Amount of life bullets take from baddies.
#define BULLETS_BREAK_WALLS // If defined, bullets break breakable walls.

#define LIMITED_BULLETS // If defined, bullets die after N frames
#define LB_FRAMES 4 // If defined, defines the # of frames bullets live (fixed)
#define LB_FRAMES_FLAG 2 // If defined, defines which flag determines the # of frames

// Hitter. Define only *ONE* of these. More to come.
//#define PLAYER_CAN_PUNCH // Player can punch. (Ninjajar!)
//#define PLAYER_HAZ_SWORD // Player haz sword. (Espadewr)
//#define PLAYER_HAZ_WHIP // Player haz whip. (Nicanor)

//#define PLAYER_HITTER_INV 46 // If defined, player can use hitter only if item # is selected!
//#define PLAYER_HITTER_STRENGTH 0 // Hitter strength. 0 = just makes monsters turn around.
//#define HITTER_BREAKS_WALLS // If defined, hitter breaks breakable walls.

//#define PLAYER_SIMPLE_BOMBS // If defined, bombs-s.h module is enabled (Nicanor)
//#define PLAYER_BOMBS_STRENGTH 1 // Amount of life bombs take from baddies.
//#define BOMBS_EXPLOSION_TILE 42 // Tile # for explosion.
//#define BOMBS_BREAK_WALLS // If defined, bombs break breakable walls.
//#define PLAYER_BOMBS_TILE 44 // ... You know the drill...
//#define PLAYER_BOMBS_INV 44 // If defined, player can use bombs only if item # is selected!
// NOTE! As of 0.89, this is the only option implemented!

//#define ENEMIES_LIFE_GAUGE 1 // Amount of shots/hits needed to kill enemies.
//#define RESPAWN_ON_ENTER // Enemies respawn when entering screen
//#define RESPAWN_ON_REENTER // Respawn even on a REENTER in the script (by default REENTER doesn't respawn enemies!)
//#define FIRE_MIN_KILLABLE 3 // If defined, only enemies >= N can be killed.

//#define MAX_AMMO 5 // If defined, ammo is not infinite!
//#define AMMO_REFILL 5 // ammo refill, using tile 20 (hotspot #4)
//#define INITIAL_AMMO 99 // If defined, ammo = X when entering game.


//#define BREAKABLE_ANIM // If defined, breakable tiles look "broken"
//#define BREAKABLE_TILE 43 // "broken tile"
//#define MAX_BREAKABLE 7 // Max tiles showing "breaking"
//#define MAX_BREAKABLE_FRAMES 4 // Frames to show "breaking"
#define BREAKABLE_TILE_GET 12 // If defined, tile "TILE GET" may appear when breaking tile #
#define BREAKABLE_TILE_FREQ 3 // Breakable tile frequency (AND)
#define BREAKABLE_TILE_FREQ_T 2 // <= this value = true.
#define PERSISTENT_BREAKABLE // Only works with compressed levels/128K games.

// Scripting
// ---------
#define ACTIVATE_SCRIPTING // Activates msc scripting and flag related stuff.
#define SCRIPT_PAGE 3 // Which RAM page holds the script (128)
//#define CLEAR_FLAGS // If defined, clear flags each level/beginning.
//#define SCRIPTING_DOWN // Use DOWN as the action key.
//#define SCRIPTING_KEY_M // Use M as the action key instead.
#define SCRIPTING_KEY_FIRE // User FIRE as the action key instead.
//#define ENABLE_EXTERN_CODE // Enables custom code to be run from the script using EXTERN n
//#define EXTERN_E // Uncomment this as well if you use EXTERN_E in your script
#define ENABLE_FIRE_ZONE // Allows to define a zone which auto-triggers "FIRE"

// Simple Item Manager
// -------------------
// Uncompatible with scripting. USE ONLY WITH SCRIPTING OFF!
//#define ENABLE_SIM

// General
//#define SIM_DOWN
//#define SIM_KEY_M
//#define SIM_KEY_FIRE

// Display:
#define SIM_DISPLAY_X 24
#define SIM_DISPLAY_Y 21
#define SIM_DISPLAY_SEL_C 66

// Timer
// -----
//#define TIMER_ENABLE // Enable timer
//#define TIMER_INITIAL 99 // For unscripted games, initial value.
//#define TIMER_REFILL 30 // Timer refill, using tile 21 (hotspot #5)
//#define TIMER_LAPSE 32 // # of frames between decrements
//#define TIMER_START // If defined, start timer from the beginning
//#define TIMER_SCRIPT_0 // If defined, timer = 0 runs "ON_TIMER_OFF" in the script
//#define TIMER_GAMEOVER_0 // If defined, timer = 0 causes "game over"
//#define TIMER_KILL_0 // If defined, timer = 0 causes "one life less".
//#define TIMER_WARP_TO 0 // If defined, warp to screen X after "one life less".
//#define TIMER_WARP_TO_X 1 //
//#define TIMER_WARP_TO_Y 1 // "warp to" coordinates.
//#define TIMER_AUTO_RESET // If defined, timer resets after "one life less"
//#define SHOW_TIMER_OVER // If defined, "TIME OVER" shows when time is up.

// Lava:
// -----
// Experimental & custom. Use @ your own risk. Not supported __AT ALL__
// Only 128K/Multilevel/Enhaced levels.
#define LAVA_FLAG 30
#define LAVA_PERIOD 7
#define LAVA_X1 2
#define LAVA_X2 28 // LAVA_X1 <= x < LAVA_X2
#define LAVA_T 18

// Floating objects:
// -----------------
//#define ENABLE_FLOATING_OBJECTS // Activate this for floating objects support

//#define FO_GRAVITY // If defined, floating objects are affected by gravity
//#define FO_SOLID_FLOOR // If defined, floating objects won't fall off the screen
//#define FO_DETECT_INTERACTION_CENTER // If defined, "active" hotspot is @ player center
// Otherwise it's on the floor, depending where he's facing.

#define ENABLE_FO_CARRIABLE_BOXES // Boxes the player can carry/place elsewhere.
#define FT_CARRIABLE_BOXES 17 // Tile for carriable boxes.
#define CARRIABLE_BOXES_ALTER_JUMP 180 // You jump less if defined. Modifies "player_max_vy_saltando"
//#define CARRIABLE_BOXES_THROWABLE // If defined, carriable boxes are throwable!
//#define CARRIABLE_BOXES_COUNT_KILLS 2 // If defined, count # of kills and store in flag N.
#define CARRIABLE_BOXES_DRAIN 7 // Boxes drain life if held every N+1 frames (power of two minus 1!)
#define CARRIABLE_BOXES_CORCHONETA // Corchonetas de sartar!
#define CARRIABLE_BOXES_MAX_C_VY 1024 // Max vertical velocity
#define ENABLE_FO_SCRIPTING // Anytime a FO falls, PRESS_FIRE script is ran
#define FO_X_FLAG 1
#define FO_Y_FLAG 2
#define FO_T_FLAG 3 // Flags to store X, Y, and Type of object which just fell.

//#define ENABLE_FO_OBJECT_CONTAINERS // Use with scripting. Helps to manage item collecting
//#define SHOW_EMPTY_CONTAINER // If defined, show empty container tile

// Engine type: No effect if PHANTOMAS_ENGINE is defined...

// Top view:
// ---------
#define PLAYER_MOGGY_STYLE // Enable top view.
//#define TOP_OVER_SIDE // UP/DOWN has priority over LEFT/RIGHT

// Side view:
// ----------
//#define PLAYER_HAS_JUMP // If defined, player is able to jump.
//#define PLAYER_BOOTEE // Always jumping engine. Don't forget to disable "HAS_JUMP" and "HAS_JETPAC"!!!
//#define PLAYER_BOUNCE_WITH_WALLS // Bounce when hitting a wall. Only really useful in MOGGY_STYLE mode
//#define PLAYER_CUMULATIVE_JUMP // Keep pressing JUMP to JUMP higher in several bounces

//#define PLAYER_HAS_JETPAC // If defined, player can thrust a vertical jetpac
//#define JETPAC_DEPLETES 4 // If defined, jetpac depletes each # frames.
//#define JETPAC_FUEL_INITIAL 25 // needed by "JETPAC_DEPLETES", initial fuel value.
//#define JETPAC_FUEL_MAX 25 // needed by "JETPAC_DEPLETES" & "JETPAC_REFILLS", max fuel value.
//#define JETPAC_AUTO_REFILLS 2 // If defined, jetpac refills each # frames when not in use.
//#define JETPAC_REFILLS // If defined, type 6 hotspots are refills.
//#define JETPAC_FUEL_REFILL 25 // needed by "JETPAC_REFILLS"

// Stepping over enemies...
//#define PLAYER_KILLS_ENEMIES // If defined, stepping on enemies kills them
//#define PLAYER_CAN_KILL_FLAG 1 // If defined, player can only kill when flag # is "1"
//#define PLAYER_MIN_KILLABLE 3 // Only kill enemies with id >= PLAYER_MIN_KILLABLE
#define PLAYER_HAS_SWIM // If defined, player is able to swim
#define SWITCHABLE_ENGINES // WIP! VERY, VERY, VERY WIP! See Sir Ababol DX or Ninjajar!
// ============================================================================
// III. Screen configuration
// ============================================================================
// This sections defines how stuff is rendered, where to show counters, etcetera
#define VIEWPORT_X 0 //
#define VIEWPORT_Y 2 // Viewport character coordinates
#define LIFE_X 4 //
#define LIFE_Y 0 // Life gauge counter character coordinates
#define OBJECTS_X 99 //
#define OBJECTS_Y 99 // Objects counter character coordinates
#define OBJECTS_ICON_X 99 //
#define OBJECTS_ICON_Y 99 // Objects icon character coordinates (use with ONLY_ONE_OBJECT)
#define KEYS_X 99 //
#define KEYS_Y 99 // Keys counter character coordinates
#define KILLED_X 99 //
#define KILLED_Y 99 // Kills counter character coordinates
//#define PLAYER_SHOW_KILLS // If defined, show kill counter.
//#define AMMO_X 14 //
//#define AMMO_Y 0 // Ammo counter character coordinates
//#define TIMER_X 9 //
//#define TIMER_Y 0 // Timer counter coordinates
//#define PLAYER_SHOW_TIMER // If defined, show timer counter
#define FLAG_X 99 //
#define FLAG_Y 99 // Custom flag character coordinates
//#define PLAYER_SHOW_FLAG 1 // If defined, show flag #
//#define FUEL_X 99 //
//#define FUEL_Y 99 // Fuel counter in bla bla bla
//#define PLAYER_SHOW_FUEL // If defined, show fuel counter.

// Text
#define LINE_OF_TEXT 1 // If defined, scripts can show text @ Y = #
#define LINE_OF_TEXT_X 10 // X coordinate.
#define LINE_OF_TEXT_ATTR 71 // Attribute

// Graphic FX, uncomment which applies...
//#define USE_AUTO_SHADOWS // Automatic shadows made of darker attributes
//#define USE_AUTO_TILE_SHADOWS // Automatic shadows using specially defined tiles 32-47.
//#define UNPACKED_MAP // Full, uncompressed maps. Shadows settings are ignored.
//#define NO_MASKS // Sprites are rendered using OR instead of masks.
//#define PLAYER_ALTERNATE_ANIMATION // If defined, animation is 1,2,3,1,2,3...
#define MASKED_BULLETS // If needed
#define ENABLE_TILANIMS 45 // If defined, animated tiles are enabled.
// the value especifies firt animated tile pair.
//#define PAUSE_ABORT // Add h=PAUSE, y=ABORT
//#define GET_X_MORE // Shows "get X more" when getting an object
#define NO_ALT_TILE // No alternate automatic tile 19 for tile 0.
//#define TWO_SETS // If defined, use two 16 sets in one (just ask)
//#define TWO_SETS_SEL (n_pant>8?32:0) // This expresion must equal 0 for set 1 to be used, or 32 for set 2 to be used (just ask)
//#define ENABLE_LEVEL_NAMES // Give a name for each level in engine/levelnames.h
//#define ENABLE_EXTRA_PRINTS // Configure extra tile prints for some screens in engine/extraprints.h

// ============================================================================
// IV. Player movement configuration
// ============================================================================

// No effect if PHANTOMAS_ENGINE is on!

// This section is used to define which constants are used in the gravity/acceleration engine.
// If a side-view engine is configured, we have to define vertical and horizontal constants
// separately. If a top-view engine is configured instead, the horizontal values are also
// applied to the vertical component, vertical values are ignored.

// IV.1. Vertical movement. Only for side-view.
//don't think i need these, this is not a jumping game
#define PLAYER_MAX_VY_CAYENDO 512 // Max falling speed (512/64 = 8 pixels/frame)
#define PLAYER_G 48 // Gravity acceleration (32/64 = 0.5 p?xeles/frame^2)

#define PLAYER_VY_INICIAL_SALTO 96 // Initial junp velocity (64/64 = 1 p?xel/frame)
#define PLAYER_MAX_VY_SALTANDO 300 // Max jump velocity (320/64 = 5 p?xels/frame)
#define PLAYER_INCR_SALTO 48 // acceleration while JUMP is pressed (48/64 = 0.75 p?xeles/frame^2)

#define PLAYER_INCR_JETPAC 32 // Vertical jetpac gauge
#define PLAYER_MAX_VY_JETPAC 256 // Max vertical jetpac speed

// IV.2. Horizontal (side view) or general (top view) movement.
#define PLAYER_MAX_VX 256 // Max velocity (192/64 = 3 p?xels/frame)
#define PLAYER_AX 64 // Acceleration (24/64 = 0,375 p?xels/frame^2)
#define PLAYER_RX 96 // Friction (32/64 = 0,5 p?xels/frame^2)

// IV.3. Swimming
//dont think i need these, no swimming
//#define PLAYER_MAX_VSWIM 128
//#define PLAYER_ASWIM 32

// ============================================================================
// V. Tile behaviour
// ============================================================================

// Defines the behaviour for each tile. Remember that if keys are activated, tile #15 is a bolt
// and, therefore, it should be made a full obstacle!

// 0 = Walkable (no action)
// 1 = Walkable and kills.
// 2 = Walkable and hides.
// 4 = Platform (only stops player if falling on it)
// 8 = Full obstacle (blocks player from all directions)
// 10 = special obstacle (pushing blocks OR locks!)
// 16 = Breakable (#ifdef BREAKABLE_WALLS)
// 32 = Conveyor
// You can add the numbers to get combined behaviours
// Save for 10 (special), but that's obvious, innit?
unsigned char behs [] = {
0,24, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 1, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

// WARNING!! Don't touch these.


#define SW_NOTHING 0
#define SW_HITTER 1
#define SW_GUN 2 // You don't need to touch these. JUST DON'T


// Sound driver macro

#ifdef MODE_128K
#ifdef USE_ARKOS
#define _AY_PL_SND arkos_play_sound
#define _AY_PL_MUS arkos_play_music
#define _AY_ST_ALL arkos_stop_sound
#define _AY_PL_SND wyz_play_sound
#define _AY_PL_MUS wyz_play_music
#define _AY_ST_ALL wyz_stop_sound
#define _AY_PL_SND peta_el_beeper

#if defined(PLAYER_CAN_PUNCH) || defined(PLAYER_HAZ_SWORD) || defined(PLAYER_HAZ_WHIP)

#if (defined (PLAYER_CAN_FIRE) + defined (PLAYER_HAZ_HITTER) + defined (PLAYER_SIMPLE_BOMBS)) == 0
#define WAYS_TO_DIE 0
#elif (defined (PLAYER_CAN_FIRE) + defined (PLAYER_HAZ_HITTER) + defined (PLAYER_SIMPLE_BOMBS)) == 1
#define WAYS_TO_DIE 1
#define WAYS_TO_DIE 2


and in definitions.h I added

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
int key_jump, key_fire;

int key_fire;

This seems to allow for pressing Fire to allow for a SET_FIRE_ZONE, it will not, however, allow you to walk over an area for automatic activation, meaning I would like a trigger once I touch a tile as opposed to touching a tile and pressing fire. Though it would be nice to have both operations. A scenario which would be served is having the character touch a doorway to be transported to a different area (for touch triggering) or have a character touch a sign and press fire to read.

This is probably a bit much for now, and hopefully, my game is not too ambitious with the number of screens and levels, but I would love a big open world game.

Once I can resolve those issues, I would like to eventually like to talk about levels128.h.


Andy Dansby

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