ZX-Basic and arcade machines

Soporte técnico sobre los lanzamientos de MojonTwins y comentarios sobre los güegos. Ofrecemos soporte técnico con Fourspriter, te ayudamos con ZX Basic o Z88DK, te damos pistas some cómo saltarse un bicho y cosas así.

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Mensajes: 3
Registrado: Mar, 01 Oct 2013, 17:53

ZX-Basic and arcade machines

Mensajepor nitrofurano » Lun, 23 Feb 2015, 12:48

i think some of you saw some very humble experiments i tried to start about coding for arcade machines using Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler
http://www.boriel.com/wiki/en/index.php ... de_Systems
i don't know if there are more people interested on helping pursuing this kind of experiment, and perhaps trying to port ZX-Basic games from Mojon Twins to these (or other) arcade machines
thanks and cheers! :)

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